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Dmitrii Svetushkin Cup 2024

Last update 03.08.2024 15:53:14, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

Starting rank list of players

4GMFedorchuk, Sergey A.14102536UKR2554
7GMVan Foreest, Lucas1039792NED2535
10GMSchitco, Ivan13905465MDA2511
2GMPetkov, Momchil2921642BUL2497
5IMMacovei, Andrei13904680MDA2479
9IMGhimpu, Samuel-Timotei1238175ROU2452
3FMLashkin, Jegor13907808MDA2451
1GMHamitevici, Vladimir13902393MDA2442
6IMBaltag, Iulian13901419MDA2396
8FMBaranciuc, Alexandr13908669MDA2332