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2024 China chess championship (Men)

Last update 16.05.2024 07:48:58, Creator/Last Upload: Jun Xia

Starting rank list of players

6GMWang, Yue8601429CHN2647
4GMXu, Xiangyu8608288CHN2636
2GMLu, Shanglei8603332CHN2611
5GMZeng, Chongsheng8603847CHN2589
9GMZhao, Jun8602522CHN2542
12GMXu, Yinglun8604940CHN2521
11GMDai, Changren8608156CHN2510
7GMWan, Yunguo8603189CHN2506
8IMWang, Shixu B8610665CHN2427
10IMNie, Xinyang8607222CHN2419
3Zhao, Chenxi8611513CHN2417
1Kong, Xiangrui8632200CHN2412