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Festival Nacional Escolar 2023 Ajedrez Clasico Sub-13 Femenino

Last update 20.12.2023 23:53:08, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Luna Monsalve, Sofia4486846COL1636wU13ANTProantioquia
2Pardo Useche, Laura Valentina4489420COL1423wU13METRey Dama
3Polania Naranjo, Laura Camila144421354COL1344wU13BOGClub Ludika
4Montiel Montes, Juliana144407726COL1324wU13TOLFormando Talentos
5Lopez Mass, Maria Fernanda144406762COL1220wU13ATL
6Varela Acosta, Valeria144411235COL1133wU13VAL
7Barreto Pulido, Mariana4489438COL1114wU13CAQ
8Ospina Soto, Sara Lucia4484681COL1029wU13QUIPeón Dama Sf
9Acevedo Gonzalez, Salome144431210COL0wU13QUIEf-Laq
10Altamar Gomez, Sara Sofia4489853COL0wU13BOL
11Cruz Medina, Karen Juliana144421320COL0wU13CUNTorres De Los Almeida
12Garcia Cadavid, Hanna Victoria144418558COL0wU13QUICapablanca Montenegro
13Gutierrez Cabrera, Maria De Los Angeles144419023COL0wU13HUI
14Lopez Sosa, Lizeth Stefanya144417438COL0wU13VAOL
15Osorio Correa, Isabela144431228COL0wU13QUIEf-Laq
16Posada Torres, Briggith144431236COL0wU13ANT
17Rendon Galvis, Estefania144431244COL0wU13CAL
18Rendon Galvis, Paulina144431252COL0wU13CAL
19Tobon Diaz, Danna Isabela144427751COL0wU13QUIClun Pensamiento del Futuro