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2024 West Rand Trials U12

Last update 07.09.2024 20:55:29, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Tshabadira

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Starting rank

1Magagula, Nkosingiphile1535
2Nemusombori, Livhuwani Natha1446
3Arlow, Jaden1445
4White, Edward1445
5Maseko, Tshiamo1442
6Lokwe, Simthandile1432
7Grewar, Owen1386
8Mlambo, Mbulelo Ntsako1386
9Makokoe, Boitumelo1340
10Malikebu, Solomzi1323
11De Waal, Dian1321
12Songoane, Sifiso1318
13Willemse, Hans1294
14Mangqayi, Busisiwe1286
15Molefe, Tshegofatso1284
16Marais, Ava1242
17Van Wyk, Nihann1228
18Sibanda, Mbongeni1220
19Van Rensburg, Liem1217
20Mampane, Tlotlego1209
21Nqaqu, Sibusiso Blessi1200
22Magodielo, Siyabulela1198
23Mackenzi, Oratilwe1197
24Selogilwe, Rorisang1193
25Sidino, Kamogelo Candy1190
26Thabatha, Luhle1185
27Nhlumayo, Sbongile Refilw1184
28Dlamini, Owami1180
29Kraft, Morgan Jason1172
30Blom, Wian1171
31Molefe, Tebogo1167
32Human, Dunay1166
33Mapfumo, Tashly1164
34Mogale, Nolwandle1157
35Fourie, Hailey1153
36Chigindani, Takunda1135
37Setlhodi, Ofentse1108
38Fouche, Mieke1107