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Pairings Arbiter Contact: [OPEN]
FA Wong Qi Hao (010-355 4822 WhatsApp Only /

Event 5: 19th IGB Dato Arthur Tan Malaysian Open Chess Championship

Last update 22.09.2024 07:23:47, Creator/Last Upload: YONG SOON

Player overview for AUS

22FMWinkelman Albert2251AUS1½½1½01½16102026,80Open
45Attwood James1894AUS010½½0½013,56020-44,60Open

Results of the last round for AUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
WFMNguyen Thi Minh OanhVIE1884 0 - 15 FMWinkelman AlbertAUS2251
Attwood JamesAUS1894 1 - 0 Wong Siew TingMAS0

Player details for AUS

FM Winkelman Albert 2251 AUS Rp:2330 Pts. 6
158Yang Lanqin1746CHN4s 1201,60
25GMLaylo Darwin2397PHI6,5w ½204,00
311IMNitin S.2347IND6s ½202,60
438Casiguran Phil Martin1973PHI4,5w 1203,40
513Jiang Haochen2326CHN6s ½202,00
63GMDeepan Chakkravarthy J.2408IND6s 020-5,80
74IMBadmatsyrenov Oleg2401FID5w 12014,00
89GMNguyen Van Huy2360VIE5,5w ½203,00
947WFMNguyen Thi Minh Oanh1884VIE4,5s 1202,00
Attwood James 1894 AUS Rp:1725 Pts. 3,5
110FMSiva Kumar Nirish Kumar2348MAS3,5w 020-1,60
266ACMKumaran Ashwiniy1659MAS3,5s 1204,20
36GMVenkatesh M.R.2385IND5w 020-1,60
458Yang Lanqin1746CHN4s ½20-4,00
561Kapoor Tanush1698SGP2,5w ½20-5,00
663Ang Kian Yang1682MAS4,5s 020-15,40
770Adlan Harris Danial1594MAS2,5w ½20-7,00
859Lim Wei Sheng1733MAS3,5s 020-14,20
973Wong Siew Ting0MAS2,5w 1