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Haustmót TR 2024 - A flokkur

Last update 22.09.2024 20:46:35, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rpnwwew-weKrtg+/-
110CMBardur Orn BirkissonISL22447,531,0006237397,56,121,382027,6
21Bjorn Holm BirkissonISL2165726,50062329975,141,862037,2
37FMSigurbjorn BjornssonISL23066,522,7506226096,56,84-0,3410-3,4
44Mikael Johann KarlssonISL2117519,00032158954,520,48209,6
59FMSimon ThorhallssonISL21814,515,2503210794,55,35-0,8520-17
62Benedikt ThorissonISL20573,515,0002204193,53,76-0,2640-10,4
76Adam OmarssonISL20013,512,2502204793,53,040,464018,4
85Torfi LeossonISL2133312,00011988934,72-1,7220-34,4
93Kjartan MaackISL20462,57,7501195692,53,60-1,1020-22
108Johann RagnarssonISL189827,00001919921,910,09201,8

Tie Break1: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: Number of wins including byes (WIN)