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41. OIS München A-Turnier

Last update 08.09.2024 16:12:31, Creator/Last Upload: Swiss-Chess 325875

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Round 1 on 2024/08/31 at 16:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
130Mai, Anton19560 ½ - ½0 IMDas, Soham23341
22IMReich, Thomas23180 1 - 00 Kraft, Tom194531
332Edelmann, Oliver19440 ½ - ½0 Xiong, Ferdinand22083
44Litzka, Richard21800 1 - 00 Nerlinger, Matthias194233
534Sukhar, Vitalii19390 0 - 10 FMLohvinov, Petro21495
66Manucharyan, Andriy21440 1 - 00 Berlizov, Wladislaw193635
737Galow, Michael19280 0 - 10 Pieper, Thomas21307
88Simukov, Erik21180 1 - 00 Sindermann, Peter192738
939Schleich, Theodor19160 0 - 10 Kessler, Jan21049
1010Wunderlich, Elias20730 ½ - ½0 Hofbauer, Bernhard191340
1141Müller, Fabian19000 1 - 00 FMPitschka, Claus205911
1212Lerch, Martin20540 ½ - ½0 Mack, Thomas189742
1344Lipinsky, Pierre18760 ½ - ½0 Graf, Christian205313
1414Ritzka, Simon20520 1 - 00 Bauer, Werner187145
1546Emet, Ensar18680 0 - 10 Fauth, Dietmar204815
1616Paeslack, Luis20380 0 - 10 Linaksono, Kaegar Bintang185647
1748Timm, Jasper18550 ½ - ½0 Parsch, Christian201517
1818Koppen, Harald19950 1 - 00 Atze, Burkhard185349
1950Prinzen, Siri Marleen18460 ½ - ½0 Rupp, Eckhart199419
2020Kerkhoff, Jan19900 ½ - ½0 Kampfmeier, Dirk183651
2152Junker, Carsten18240 1 - 00 Hornung, Hans198222
2223Longo, Massimo19800 1 - 00 Wilke, Tabea182253
2354Moser, Andreas17810 ½ - ½0 Jachs, Walter196524
2425Berlizov, Stanislaw19640 1 - 00 Dornreiter, Michael176655
2556Schmölzing, Matthias17470 0 - 10 Galioglu, Cem196426
2627Lochte, Thomas19610 1 - 00 Beimler, Christian174257
2758Daoud, Haval17390 0 - 10 Basener, Winfried196028
2829Gendler, Juri19560 0 - 10 Pertaia, Aleksandre166059
2921Tsakonas, Konstantinos19830 ½ not paired 
3036Bilandzic, Ante19310 ½ not paired 
3143Hartmann, Karl-Heinz18790 ½ not paired