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The Closing Ceremony will start at 21:00 in the main playing hall in Hotel Zepter.

39th European Chess Club Cup

Last update 26.10.2024 20:02:52, Creator/Last Upload: SRB Chess Federation

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Team-Composition without round-results

  46. Drejtesia-Trokadero (RtgAvg:2266 / TB1: 7 / TB2: 109,5) Captain: Fejzullahu, Afrim
1IMSaraci, Nderim2440KOS635192137
2FMUruci, Endrit2343KOS221001992,57
3CMZeneli, Klendi2214ALB470660947
4Asllani, Muhamet2136KOS221003003,57
5CMIdrizaj, Abedin2237KOS467204625
6FMErmeni, Avni2126KOS9128401,55
7FMFejzullahu, Afrim2192KOS9056310,51
8Suhogerlla, Xhevat2172KOS221008221,53