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JMC Closed - U8

Last update 09.08.2024 16:00:45, Creator/Last Upload: Cathy Shaw

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Starting rank

1Koorts, LukasRSA1611
2Malemane, Atlehang FaithRSA1436
3Stelloh, AlexanderRSA1429
4Frishter, SofiaRSA1401
5Deysel, ZachariahRSA1395
6Conradie, DavidRSA1390
7Tenzer, AlexanderRSA1305
8Van Eeden, CilliersRSA1302
9Bekker, JacobusRSA1297
10Sahoo, ShauryaRSA1278
11Fischer, ErnstRSA1266
12Lochner, CalitzRSA1245
13Bender, DivanRSA1203
14Levitan, ElianaRSA1191
15Nel, HannahRSA1190
16Retief, LucRSA1189
17Dippenaar, LukaRSA1181
18Luus, AvaRSA1181
19Van Zijl, AdolfRSA1180
20Klopper, LiamRSA1176
21Joubert, ZaniRSA1171
22Kwint, SamuelRSA1132