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SixDays Budapest September 2024 U2250

Last update 29.09.2024 14:15:49, Creator/Last Upload: Tamas Gyomber

Player overview for DEN

6FMRamsdal Jens Albert2328DEN0100100103910-24,80IM A
8IMSkytte Rasmus2348DEN½100½1½115,5510-3,10IM B
7Ramsdal Mikkel1923DEN½0100½01141120-21,60U2250
9Ramsdal Lasse1908DEN000½0½½102,51520-55,80U2250
10Steenstrup Svend1900DEN1100½10003,51220-19,00U2250
15Skytte Robert1730DEN½01100½0½3,5144040,00U2250

Results of the last round for DEN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMRamsdal Jens Albert2328 0 - 1 IMKrishna C R G2425
Ramsdal Lasse1908 0 - 14 WCMAhmed Walijah1936
Ramsdal Mikkel19233 1 - 0 Steenstrup Svend1900
Namala Dhanvi16843 ½ - ½3 Skytte Robert1730
IMSkytte Rasmus2348 1 - 0 WGMLi Xueyi2187

Player details for DEN

FM Ramsdal Jens Albert 2328 DEN Rp:2111 Pts. 3
15IMBoyer Mahel2489FRA7,5s 0-0,2910-2,90
210WFMBashylina Luisa2124GER3,5s 10,24102,40
37FMKwon Sehyun2248KOR5w 0-0,6110-6,10
48FMBashirov Kemal2328UKR4s 0-0,5010-5,00
59AFMPavan Karthikeya Varma Gunturi2056IND3w 10,17101,70
61GMPacher Milan2343SVK5,5s 0-0,4810-4,80
72WFMWadifa Ahmed1988BAN5w 0-0,8810-8,80
83Kao Jamison Edrich2125HKG2,5s 10,24102,40
94IMKrishna C R G2425IND6w 0-0,3710-3,70
Ramsdal Mikkel 1923 DEN Rp:1829 Pts. 4
115Skytte Robert1730DEN3,5w ½-0,2520-5,00
211Steiners Emils1888LAT6,5s 0-0,5520-11,00
32Mehlhorn David2028GER5w 10,642012,80
44Yu Zechen1972CHN5,5s 0-0,4320-8,60
514Lanois Herve1806SUI4w 0-0,6620-13,20
69Ramsdal Lasse1908DEN2,5w ½-0,0220-0,40
75WCMAhmed Walijah1936BAN5s 0-0,4820-9,60
816Namala Dhanvi1684USA3,5s 10,20204,00
910Steenstrup Svend1900DEN3,5w 10,47209,40
Ramsdal Lasse 1908 DEN Rp:1628 Pts. 2,5
11Balogh Peter2043SVK4s 0-0,3220-6,40
216Namala Dhanvi1684USA3,5w 0-0,7820-15,60
312Kebbedies Frank1878GER1s 0-0,5420-10,80
414Lanois Herve1806SUI4w ½-0,1420-2,80
52Mehlhorn David2028GER5w 0-0,3420-6,80
67Ramsdal Mikkel1923DEN4s ½0,02200,40
715Skytte Robert1730DEN3,5s ½-0,2320-4,60
8-bye- --- 1
95WCMAhmed Walijah1936BAN5w 0-0,4620-9,20
Steenstrup Svend 1900 DEN Rp:1824 Pts. 3,5
12Mehlhorn David2028GER5w 10,672013,40
24Yu Zechen1972CHN5,5s 10,602012,00
311Steiners Emils1888LAT6,5w 0-0,5220-10,40
46Macaspac Arthur1934USA5,5s 0-0,4520-9,00
55WCMAhmed Walijah1936BAN5s ½0,05201,00
615Skytte Robert1730DEN3,5w 10,28205,60
78CMNing Isabelle Yixuan1915NZL4,5s 0-0,4820-9,60
814Lanois Herve1806SUI4w 0-0,6320-12,60
97Ramsdal Mikkel1923DEN4s 0-0,4720-9,40
Skytte Robert 1730 DEN Rp:1830 Pts. 3,5
17Ramsdal Mikkel1923DEN4s ½0,254010,00
23Li Yage2022CHN6,5w 0-0,1540-6,00
314Lanois Herve1806SUI4s 10,604024,00
412Kebbedies Frank1878GER1w 10,704028,00
51Balogh Peter2043SVK4s 0-0,1440-5,60
610Steenstrup Svend1900DEN3,5s 0-0,2840-11,20
79Ramsdal Lasse1908DEN2,5w ½0,23409,20
82Mehlhorn David2028GER5w 0-0,1540-6,00
916Namala Dhanvi1684USA3,5s ½-0,0640-2,40
IM Skytte Rasmus 2348 DEN Rp:2304 Pts. 5,5
13IMPribelszky Bence Daniel2408HUN6s ½0,08100,80
24Valkova Angelika2068UKR1,5w 10,16101,60
35IMAswath S2473IND8,5s 0-0,3310-3,30
46FMRodgers Jack2110AUS6w 0-0,8010-8,00
57FMGoldbeck Lars2359GER7s ½0,02100,20
610WCMNanditha V1903IND0,5s 10,08100,80
79FMPolyik Peter2304HUN5w ½-0,0610-0,60
81CMNissinen Niilo Man2159HKG2,5s 10,25102,50
92WGMLi Xueyi2187CHN2,5w 10,29102,90