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Trofeul “Cavalerii Marii Negre” Galati C U20 7-8 Septembrie

Last update 08.09.2024 15:51:47, Creator: jugaru lucian,Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 36)

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1Cristea, Bogdan-TeodorROU0Cs Sah Club Galati
2Ghelase, Robert MihaiROU0Cs Micul Print Braila
3Ionescu, MateiROU0Cs Micul Print Braila
4Iorga-Patriche, ConstantinROU0Cs Sah Club Galati
5Komar, ArtiomROU0Cs Micul Print Braila
6Lescaru, SimonROU0Cs Sah Club Galati / Sc."Dan Barbil
7Plesu, Ioan-TeodorROU0Cs Sah Club Galati
8Radu, IoanROU0Lic.Tehn. Topolog
9Radu, Matei-IonutROU0Lic.Tehn. Topolog