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Trofeul Orasului Predeal editia a III -a 30 August -1 Septembrie

Last update 01.09.2024 15:40:19, Creator/Last Upload: jugaru lucian

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Martinenco Sergiu1956MDA 13b1 4w1 9b½ 15w1 16b1 5w½5241619,75
2IVilceanu Marius-Costel1907ROU 23b1 17w1 6b1 3w½ 4w½4,524,515,517,75
3IRauca Horatiu-Augustin1927ROU 28b1 18w1 8b1 16w½ 2b½ 7w½4,523,51617,25
4IGroapa Aurelian1759ROU 42w1 1b0 37w1 25b1 10w1 2b½4,5211413,75
5CMNandrean Dan1984ROU 23w½ 30b½ 27w1 11b1 22w1 1b½4,520,51315,25
6ICimpoiasu Dan1870ROU 33b1 19w1 15b½ 2w0 31b1 16w14,5201313,75
7IAnghelescu Teodor-Stefan1831ROU 47w1 11b½ 30w½ 26b1 14w1 3b½4,519,513,514,00
8IVolovici Radu-Maxim-Cristian1803ROU 43w1 39b1 3w0 30b½ 17w1 15w14,51811,512,25
9IIvancescu Bogdan-Andrei1875ROU 37w1 20b1 1w½ 10b0 18w1 12b½422,51514,00
10CMCirlan Ionut-Gheorghe1883ROU 31b1 14w0 24b1 9w1 4b0 26w14211412,50
11IIPopescu Alexandru-Mihai1713ROU 46b1 7w½ 25b½ 5w0 30w1 23b14191310,75
12ITat Alin-Sebastian1764ROU 44b1 15w0 31b½ 13w1 32b1 9w½418,512,511,75
13IICioara Nicolae-Cristian1642ROU 1w0 42b1 39w1 12b0 37w1 22b1418,511,59,50
14Martinenco Nicolae1730MDA 49w1 10b1 16b0 38w1 7b0 24w1417,512,59,50
15IAntohe Gheorghe1931ROU 29w1 12b1 6w½ 1b0 21w1 8b03,524,516,512,75
IVisoescu Alexandru-Bogdan1919ROU 27w1 21b1 14w1 3b½ 1w0 6b03,524,516,512,75
17IICioroianu Matei1703ROU 40w1 2b0 34w1 8b0 35w13,519,511,58,75
18IArdeleanu Calin I.1738ROU 41w1 3b0 47w1 9b0 34w13,518107,75
19IISerban Viorel1666ROU 38w1 6b0 41w1 22b0 27w½ 30b13,51710,58,00
20IRomosan Cristian1731ROU 35b1 9w0 34b½ 31w0 33b1 32w13,516,5108,75
21IGurnov Cristian1745ROU 45b1 16w0 33b1 32w½ 15b0 31w13,516117,75
22IVoinescu Marian-David1825ROU 36b1 25w½ 32b½ 19w1 5b0 13w0320138,75
23IIGherghe David1652ROU 5b½ 2w0 28b½ 47w1 38b1 11w0319,513,57,25
24IIMoldoveanu Marian1618ROU 26b½ 10w0 42b1 25w1 14b0319128,00
25IIIlie Eduard-Alexandru1653ROU 48w1 22b½ 11w½ 4w0 24b0 40b1318127,00
26IIStanea Stelian-Ioan1698ROU 32b½ 24w½ 48b1 7w0 40b1 10b0317,511,56,25
IIDraghici Ligia-Elena1544ROU 16b0 45w1 5b0 48w1 19b½ 28w½317,511,56,25
28IISchmit Andrei-Marian1582ROU 3w0 41b0 23w½ 44b1 36w1 27b½31710,57,50
29IAnusca Vasile1638ROU 15b0 32w0 45b1 40w0 48b1 38w131385,00
30Dobrovolska-Rakhnina Bozhena1666UKR 34b1 5w½ 7b½ 8w½ 11b0 19w02,523,516,59,25
31IILupescu Gabriel-Constantin1509ROU 10w0 49b1 12w½ 20b1 6w0 21b02,520156,00
32FCMarinescu Octavian701ROU 26w½ 29b1 22w½ 21b½ 12w0 20b02,520137,75
33IIJugaru Victor1444ROU 6w0 40b1 21w0 41b½ 20w0 46b12,517114,50
34FCVelicoglu Ioan701ROU 30w0 43b1 20w½ 17b0 47w1 18b02,516,511,55,25
35FCHurmuzache Mihnea901ROU 20w0 37b0 43w½ 45b1 41w1 17b02,515104,50
36IICalugareanu Kevin Gabriel1647ROU 22w0 38b0 49w1 28b0 39w12,5137,53,75
37IISzasz Aida1464ROU 9b0 35w1 4b0 39w1 13b0 -021912,54,50
38FCSlavu Mattia-Davide1480ROU 19b0 36w1 44w1 14b0 23w0 29b0218124,50
39Serban Tomita0ROU -1 8w0 13b0 37b0 42w1 36b0217,5114,00
40FCStoian David-Gabriel901ROU 17b0 33w0 -1 29b1 26w0 25w021711,55,00
41FCDoncu Petcu Adriana Aylin901ROU 18b0 28w1 19b0 33w½ 35b0 45w½216,511,55,00
42FCMarinescu Rares1014ROU 4b0 13w0 46b1 24w0 39b0 49w1215,510,52,00
43IVStanea Madalina-Alexandra1025ROU 8b0 34w0 35b½ 46w½ 44b½2158,54,00
44FCColioglu-Matei Marian1018ROU 12w0 38b0 28w0 49b1 43w½213,57,52,50
45FCBobe Alexandru-Nicolae909ROU 21w0 27b0 29w0 35w0 -1 41b½1,515,510,52,50
46FCSirbu Florian-Alin901ROU 11w0 47b0 42w0 -1 43b½ 33w01,513,582,50
47IIMusat Mario-Cosmin1410ROU 7b0 46w1 18b0 23b0 34b0 -011610,51,50
48Florescu Dana-Maria701ROU 25b0 -1 26w0 27b0 29w0 -0114101,00
49FCPescar Andreea901ROU 14b0 31w0 36b0 44w0 42b00,513,590,25

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Median1)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)