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DGT boards: 1-16

23rd European Youth Blitz Championship 2024 - Open U12

Last update 20.08.2024 16:41:57, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 130

Player overview for LAT

10BENIOSEV Daniel1994LAT101100111011111000111540-62,40O12

Results of the last round for LAT

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GIBALA AdamPOL205913½ 1 - 011 BENIOSEV DanielLAT1994

Player details for LAT

BENIOSEV Daniel 1994 LAT Rp:1907 Pts. 11
149ROMANIV Markiyan1706UKR11w 1406,40
249ROMANIV Markiyan1706UKR11s 040-33,60
350MRAZIK Marek1684CZE7s 1405,60
450MRAZIK Marek1684CZE7w 1405,60
519CMRADZIMSKI Antoni1918POL14w 040-24,00
619CMRADZIMSKI Antoni1918POL14s 040-24,00
743CZEREMCHA Piotr1774POL3- 1K
843CZEREMCHA Piotr1774POL3- 1K
922TOLEDO Hillel1889BEL11s 14014,40
1022TOLEDO Hillel1889BEL11w 040-25,60
1130SAKHARCHUK Aliaksandr1840POL10w 14011,60
1230SAKHARCHUK Aliaksandr1840POL10s 14011,60
1337NIEMINEN Oliver1797FIN8,5s 14010,00
1437NIEMINEN Oliver1797FIN8,5w 14010,00
158VARDI Daniel2015ISR11,5s 14021,20
168VARDI Daniel2015ISR11,5w 040-18,80
175GIBALA Adam2059POL14,5w 040-16,40
185GIBALA Adam2059POL14,5s 040-16,40