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Blitz morning, Rapid afternoon.
Possible to play both tournaments or only one.
Bleskový turnaj ráno, Rapid odpoledne.
Možno hrát oba turnaje či jen jeden.

UCT Chess Club FIDE marathon blitz

Last update 09.07.2024 20:59:08, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 139

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Starting rank

1Zrust, Tomas370983CZE1855Sokol Kolin
2Kostka, Jiri23752475CZE1769Sk Praha-Smichov
3Lhota, Vojtech23733195CZE1763Sk Praha-Smichov
4Broz, Martin23763051CZE1762Sokol Nebusice
5Mrazek, Tomas371432CZE1641Individualni Clen Sss
6Cervenka, Daniel23764716CZE0Sachovy Oddil Tj Sokol Voznice
7Dvořák, TomášCZE0
8Pokorný, JiříCZE0
9Zbořil, JanCZE0
10Zvonek, PetrCZE0