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2024 World Rapid Team Championship

Last update 04.08.2024 17:39:13, Creator/Last Upload: Papua New Guinea Chess Federation

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Team pairings

Round 9 on 2024/08/04 at 1430
19Q4Rail Kingsofchess Krakow102:411WR Chess Team *)1
26Team MGD1123:314Al-Ain ACMG UAE4
32Decade China Team133:310Kazchess5
47Ashdod Chess Club11:12Chessy3
514Theme International Trading102:410Astana-111
610Royal Chess9:10Hunnu Air17
812FIDE Management Board83:39Teniz Kazakhstan13
915World Champions Higher School8:8GMs Kazahhstan23
1025Chess Ratel82:48Greco18
1120Kyrgyz Chess Academy83:38Storm of Dragons24
1226Noval Group Kyrgystan83:38Astana-221
1429Kazakhstan dream team72:46Chess Mates28
1527TKM Chess64:26Future GM31
1636VKO Team53:36Chess Empire33
1732Chess Dream5:4Abai's Gambit Pioneers38
1834Abai Chess Team5:4Chessacademy_pvl37

*) This team is assigned to a fixed board.