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45th Chess Olympiad Budapest 2024 Open

Last update 22.09.2024 17:19:08, Creator: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog,Last Upload: alexholowczak

Team composition for federation DEN

55. Denmark (RtgAvg:2033, Captain:Sylvan, Jacob)
1CMDe Blecourt Sandra2065DEN1004948
2WFMKakulidis Ellen2048DEN1444972
3Jakobsen Shanne Hedegaard2002DEN1462296
4WFMGuindy Esmat Susanne2015DEN1401637
5Durrfeld Sofie Bech1937DEN1451324
30. Denmark (RtgAvg:2561, Captain:Hansen, Soren Bech)
1GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2648DEN1444948
2GMAndersen Mads2598DEN1413864
3GMThybo Jesper Sondergaard2555DEN1438832
4IMOlsen Filip Boe2441DEN1440640
5FMRamsdal Jens Albert2328DEN1429221