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Encontrão CX Sintra - 6/9/2024 (sexta-feira) Torneio aberto / Elo de Semirrápidas

Last update 08.09.2024 19:16:02, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 13)

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Starting rank

1Barros, Diogo Novo De19796551706
2Costa Bicho, Ivan-Pi Virott Da19682971700
3Wang, Luís19667231616
4Cunha, João Ricardo Churro19616401602
5Comba, Pedro Sequeira19814981456
6Zhou, Daniel Samuel19738511430
7Bernardo, Ricardo Lopes19834401408
8Pereira, André0
9Pereira, Gonçalo0
10Santos, Tristan Alexander Gairifo Dos19631120