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Trofeul Dunav Braila Turneul B 13 Iulie

Last update 27.07.2024 10:23:50, Creator/Last Upload: jugaru lucian

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1IVTudorache, David-Andrei42223113ROU1046Scm Gloria Buzau
2FCAirinei, Elias-AndreiROU901Csm Galati
3FCAvram, Daniel42230616ROU901Clubul De Sah Orizont 64 Brail
4FCBrazhenko, Mykola42234743ROU901Cs Micul Print Braila
5FCBrazhenko, Olha42231515ROU901Cs Micul Print Braila
6FCCatrina, Petre-Gabriel42227224ROU901Csm Ploiesti
7FCChirila, Mario-Andrei42230152ROU901Cs Micul Print Braila
8FCCraciun, Rares-Christian42240298ROU901Scm Gloria Buzau
9FCDragoi, Bogdan-Gabriel42209536ROU901Cs Micul Print Braila
10FCGhenea, Elena-Loredana42203864ROU901Cs Sah Club Galati
11FCGrigore, Eduard-Petru42232279ROU901Csm Galati
12FCLuca, Sebastian-Gabriel42221889ROU901Cs Micul Print Braila
13FCMeleaca, Dragos-Gabriel42215820ROU901Cs Micul Print Braila
14FCPantazescu, Maya-Maria42230640ROU901Clubul De Sah Orizont 64 Brail
15FCBadea, Robert-StefanROU701Acs Master Mind Bucuresti
16FCCeapa, Darius FlorinROU701Acs Master Mind Bucuresti
17FCTrufasu, Ana-Maria-GabrielaROU701Acs Master Mind Bucuresti
18Anton, LucaROU0
19Cernencu, Alexandra-Iris42226619ROU0
20Dumitru, IulianROU0Smardan
21Florescu, Dana-MariaROU0
22Ion-Stremteanu, AndreiROU0
23Leustean, CristianROU0
24Luca, Bogdan-CristianROU0
25Musat, MariaROU0Palatul Copiilor Braila
26Radu, IoanROU0Topolog
27Strambei, Alexandru-EfremROU0Palatul Copiilor Braila
28Tufa, AndreeaROU0Topolog
29FCCarligel, Cornelia42218764ROU901Cs Universitar De Sah Bucurest