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4th Edition of The BCI Mozambique Chess Open 2024 - Woman

Posledná aktualizácia 11.07.2024 20:11:17, Creator/Last Upload: Mosambique Chess-Federation

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Štartová listina

1WIMVilhete, Vania Fausto Da T.14800144MOZ1850
2WCMSitoe, Cheila Andre14800780MOZ1710
3WCMCastro, Neusa Aridas De14800250MOZ1703
4Sitoe, Sheila Judite Jacinto14800470MOZ1582
5Malenda, Ana14800209MOZ1575
6Andre, Chineva Rufino14802171MOZ1561
7Chaparadza, Talidyne11005416ZIM1535
8Dlamini, Sincobile20700997SWZ1519
9Efentakis, Theodora14801078MOZ1476
10Esperanca, Patricio Madzima14803631MOZ0
11Macamo, Leonilde Agostinho14806118MOZ0
12Maimuna, Abdulremane Esmael14805634MOZ0