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2nd Portishead Junior Under 9s

Last update 29.06.2024 16:26:53, Creator/Last Upload: Somerset Junior Chess

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameTypsexFEDRtgClub/City TB1  TB2  TB3 
17Siemon BeketovU9ENG700South Bristol6022
21Raga Sreya MandadapuU9wWLS899North Cardiff CC5023
32Aarav Theja KadiyalaU9ENG834Knights of Bristol4,50,521
5Aarav GuptaU9ENG758Wheatfield Primary4,50,521
58Dhruva ThotaU6ENG682Basingstoke4022,5
611Camden LovelaceU7ENG558Wells4016,5
724Jathavi ThushananthU7wENG0Even Swindon Primary3,5019,5
821Louis PollardU8ENG0Wells3,5018,5
923Valerie TangU9wENG0Bristol Grammar School3025,5
1019Toby NeedsU9ENG0South Bristol3021
1110Jacob LewisU7ENG561Portishead3019,5
1216Wiktoria Kopiczko-NguyenU9wENG0Bristol Four Knights3018,5
134Noah TorrigianiU6ENG768South Bristol3015
143Mohamed Afzal Mohamed FaizU8ENG790South Bristol2,5020,5
1520Sehej PahwaU8wENG0Bailey's Court Primary2,5017,5
1618Ollie NeedsU8ENG0South Bristol2,5012
1713Razeen AhmadU8ENG0Wheatfield Primary2017
1814Amari DaviesU9ENG0South Bristol2016,5
1912Mohamed Akmal Mohamed AfzalU8ENG475South Bristol2016
206Isaac Johnson-LafuenteU8ENG757South Bristol2015
219Anvitha ManjunathU9wENG632Downend2014,5
15Frank GrantU7ENG0Southville Primary2014,5
2322Olivia SharovaU6wENG0South Bristol1,5012,5
2417Karim MussaU6ENG0Bristol Grammar1016,5

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)