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EMA Classical 1 - U1000 Section

Last update 17.06.2024 02:48:21, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 64)

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Starting rank

1Ryan, ZhouCAN972
2Entong, TianCAN886
3Zhibo, ZhangCAN857
4Zoya, SinghCAN852
5Tyler, HunCAN831
6Aryav, AlokeCAN801
7Ruiyang, Gu(Ryan Gu)CAN788
8Vicky, YinCAN782
9Benjamin, Wenbin YuanCAN751
10Milan, BokoCAN740
11Jayden, QiCAN733
12Deniz, Kemal ErdemCAN731
13Alexander, WuCAN716
14Eric, ZhaoCAN690
15Ava, ChenCAN674
16Ron, HeCAN668
17Oscar, HuangCAN640
18Yuvraj, JoubbleCAN639
19Martina, SzetoCAN632
20Evelyn, LouCAN607
21Albert, WangCAN517
22Aiden, X WangCAN516
23Adele, YangCAN495
24Teo, GaoCAN475
25Lucas, ChoCAN330
26Boslan, HongCAN0
27Branson, HongCAN0
28Jaycee, Ziye WuCAN0
29Naithik, Kshiraj TalluriCAN0
30Shanmukh, Kshithij TalluriCAN0
31Yoonsung, LeeCAN0