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EMA Classical 1 - Premier Section

Last update 17.06.2024 03:36:59, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 64)

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Starting rank

1IMVan, Thanh NguyenCAN2484
2IMQuang, Long LeCAN2429
3CMJorge, Nunez AsencioCAN2356
4NMJingyun(Ryan), YangCAN2265
5Yidong, ChenCAN2169
6NMZachary, LiuCAN2166
7Aiden, LeongCAN2056
8Nathan, Ping-Ying WuCAN2042
9Johan, AljoCAN2038
10Brian, Ziyi YangCAN2012
11Erwin, MokCAN1966
12Gillian, MokCAN1941
13Reece, HarmsCAN1907
14Joey, XuCAN1782
15Huy, Minh VuCAN1682
16Minjun, KooCAN1658
17Aiden, Hao-Ting LuCAN1634