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Last update 14.06.2024 00:51:29, Creator/Last Upload: FADA – Comision Tecnica Argentina

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Starting rank

1Rahn, Cesar Matias20045603ARG1200Club Alfil Negro - Formosa
2Aranda, Juan SamuelARG1100Club Alfil Negro
3Guerrero Repetto, ElianARG1100Club Alfil Negro - Formosa
4Guerrero Repetto, IsabellaARG1100Club Alfil Negro - Formosa
5Rial, BastianARG1100Club Alfil Negro - Formosa
6Blume, BeltranARG1000Club Alfil Negro - Formosa
7Motrovichi, OxanaARG1000Club Alfil Negro - Formosa
8Repetto, GiannaARG1000Club Alfil Negro - Formosa
9Zini, Genaro20044879ARG1000Club Alfil Negro - Formosa