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Creative Foundation Inter School Chess Competition-2081 (Girls 8-10)

Last update 11.06.2024 16:51:14, Creator/Last Upload: Nshrestha111

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Starting rank

1Gurung, Sonam DolmaNEP0Elipss School
2Khatiwada, KrishaNEP0AVS
3Magar, Mamata BudhaNEP0Kshitiz School
4Maharjan, ZoyaNEP0Annal Jyoti School
5Pariyar, SaginaNEP0Dolphin English School
6Pun, LilanNEP0Manjushree School
7Shrestha, YuvaniNEP0Bluebird School
8Thapaliya, DeepikaNEP0Shreekul School