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Western Cape - Brian Raubenheimer Development Tourn. 2024 U11 Girls

Last update 08.06.2024 17:47:50, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Starting rank

1Saayman, VeroniqueRSA1317Eden
2Bruiners, ChandreRSA1298Eden
3Norgarb, SophiaRSA1260Eden
4Magomarele, ThatoRSA1232Eden
5Hendricks, NaylahRSA1214West Coast
6Van Rooyen, Niche-LeighRSA1203Eden
7Owies, TiffanyRSA1190West Coast
8Evertson, AntheaRSA1187Cape Winelands
9Huisamen, IsabellaRSA1185
10Naude, ArielRSA1185Cape Winelands
11Smith, CeliaRSA1183
12Alberts, MarnelRSA1176Cape Winelands
13Le Roux, CarmenRSA1173
14Mullins, CharlotteRSA1155
15Venter, DanelizeRSA1152Cape Winelands
16Wicomb, LynnRSA1147Eden
17Gouws, Anne-MarieRSA1146Overberg
18Oliphant, ElniqueRSA1067Cape Winelands