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FIDE in the West BISHOPS

Last update 08.06.2024 17:52:18, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Tshabadira

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Starting rank

1Lebabo, Olerato AobakweRSA1200
2Fisher, JeriahRSA1198
3Keepilwe, Ofentse VictoriRSA1198
4Smyth, KiaraRSA1197
5Maponyane, KatlegoRSA1195
6Strydom, DawieRSA1194
7Magodongo, EmihleRSA1193
8Mangena, MarkleeRSA1193
9Uzoagba, CherishRSA1193
10Human, DunayRSA1191
11Van Vollenhoven, Reuben FrancoisRSA1190
12Fourie, ShaneRSA1187
13Legodi, ReneilweRSA1185
14Willemse, HansRSA1178
15Modisane, LesediRSA1173
16Motsoahae, BokamosoRSA1170
17Poto, SiyabongaRSA1169
18Mtsweni, ThapeloRSA1168
19Ncube, ThembelihleRSA1166
20Fourie, CaitlinRSA1155
21Jansen Van Rensburg, StefanRSA1152
22Mphahlele, ThaboRSA1143
23Perry-Fisher, Lily-PaigeRSA1104
24Bothma, MarcoRSA1077
25Esterhuizen, AlexaGWR0
26Keepile, RebaoneGWR0
27Makhunga, SthembisoGWR0
28Mapasa, KiraboGWR0
29Nhlapo, SibusisoGWR0
30Nkhoma, DanielGJM0