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Halleiner Schnellschachtunier 2024 Staffel 3

Last update 21.11.2024 21:33:09, Creator/Last Upload: Schachklub Hallein

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Starting rank

1Halilovic, Husejin14401320BIH2028
2Buchner, Martin1615815AUT1890
3Hauthaler, Mario1611313AUT1854
4Hake, Nils34604022AUT1844
5Berti, Rudolf1614134AUT1779
6Rosenlechner, Gerhard1654152AUT1705
7Herbst, GottfriedAUT1408
8Lunenburg, MatthijsNED1405
9Seilinger, RudolfAUT1316
10Baldemair, Helmut1659863AUT1274
11Putz, Lukas1688421AUT1255
12Kagerer, HelmutAUT1189
13Manzella, Gerhard1683667AUT1175
14Brunauer, Peter530000637AUT0