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Shimoga District Under 9 Boys Chess Championship 2024

Last update 01.06.2024 11:44:37, Creator/Last Upload: Vidhatri Lakshmi

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Starting rank

1Advaith Malavade,IND0Shimoga
2Akshith G,IND0Thirthalli
3Arya, A H48738565IND0Hosanagara
4Ashrith H K,IND0Shimoga
5Atharva S M,IND0
6Charvik R V,IND0Shimoga
7Chiranthan K,IND0Shimoga
8Kushagra Jain,IND0Shimoga
9Likith G,IND0
10Medh S Shetty,IND0Shimoga
11Mohammed Affan Shariff,IND0Thirthalli
12Rathan R,IND0Sagara
13Sumeru M R,IND0
14Vishakhadatta K S,IND0Shimoga
15Vishodhana Sharma K S,IND0Shimoga
16Vivaan S V,IND0