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Copa Karpov

Last update 14.06.2024 04:00:43, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrez Feliz

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1Ramiro, Jorge Pablo20007345ARG1550
2Medina, Ignacio182737ARG1525
3Poli, Sergio Gustavo20007337ARG1425
4Alvarado, CatrielARG0
5Casares, BraianARG0
6Denti, Agustin20021895ARG0
7Dominguez, Luis MariaARG0
8Faraone, AlexisARG0
9Garbini, EzequielARG0
10Higueras, SantiagoARG0
11Martinez Peria, Francisco20017480ARG0
12Rodriguez, JavierARG0
13Romero, Juan Anselmo156248ARG0
14Vidal, AlexisARG0
15Vidal, LorenzoARG0