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Each Section Winner: Trophy + £20, 2nd : Silver Medal + £15, 3rd: Bronze medal +£10

Southall Junior Rapid 202409 U7-U13

Last update 28.09.2024 12:57:18, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Chen, Yechu363346343440053ENG1121U9
2Kahre, Benedict369361ENG989U11
3Bhaduri, Aviraj368578343451721ENG757U9
4Desai, Atharva50456ENG0U9
5Gampa, Dyuthi Sri369378ENG0wU9
6Kebagid, Ajihan370403ENG0U7
7Semenovych, Alexander370096ENG0U13
8Shao, Ranxi Rex370255ENG0U11
9Ting, Sophia369886ENG0wU9