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Each Section Winner: Trophy + £20, 2nd : Silver Medal + £15, 3rd: Bronze medal +£10

Wimbledon Junior Rapid 202406 U8-U12

Last update 17.06.2024 14:05:10, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Round 5 on 2024/06/08 at 12:10

Bo.No.WhiteGrRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackGrRtgNo.
312Kjaer, AlexanderU128344 1 - 03 Yuan, JoshU107686
321Chilakamarri, ArjunU109673 0 - 13 Gu, JeremyU88024
337Vyamajala, ShreyanshU10726 1 - 03 Croos, Haadhvin DaveU87755
348Foucat, AymericU86632 1 - 02 Qadri, Abdul MuqeetU88133
3513Smith, LiamU802 0 - 12 Collier, HenryU834610
3612Goff, TristanU801 1 - 0 Zhang, BoyunU8015
3711Goff, ScarletU1001 0 - 11 Postavnev, DmitriiU84909
3814Unurtugs, UnuboldU1201 1 bye