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Prvenstvo krožka OŠ V. Šmuc - 06

Last update 16.05.2024 11:03:41, Creator/Last Upload: Andi130

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Final Ranking after 4 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
112Stolica, StefanSLO04049
216Zorič Stepančič, NajSLO031311,5
39Saliji, AhmedSLO03037,5
417Žbogar, TalinSLO02,50210
58Mavrič, ValSLO02,5029
67Maksudoski, MufidSLO02,5027
75Gaberc, MaksSLO02,5025,5
815Zobec, MitjaSLO02027,5
913Šorli, DalandaSLO02025
101Božič, DominikSLO02019,5
1114Tepavac, MatejSLO02019
123Četojević, AleksanderSLO01,5018,5
132Cokan Sem, PatrikSLO01,5018,5
144Fericelli, SimonSLO01,5018,5
1511Stolica, MaksimSLO01,5018
1610Selimovski, EdinSLO01016
176Gutaj, ArjonaSLO00,50,507
18Vikič, TajSLO00,50,507

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Number of wins including byes (WIN)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)