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Wimbledon Rapidplay 202406 Open

Last update 08.06.2024 18:51:14, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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1GMCherniaev, Alexander4117301ENG2293
2FMRadovanovic, Jovica915912SRB2119
3FMSowray, Peter J400971ENG2101
4Lau, Lut Yin Luke6002226HKG2082
5Lentzos, Ioanis4255470GRE2037
6Patel, Zain469246ENG1988
7Keohane, Ben433950ENG1913
8Pandit, Santosh430234ENG1897
9ACMLishoy Gengis Paratazham, Dildarav491462ENG1882
10ACMKairat, Alexander498629ENG1870
11Rubeck, Jonathan435678ENG1797
12Sood, Vineet343111543FID1756
13Gushchin, Arseniy498351ENG1709
14Munadi, Khairul343435980ENG1660