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Frome Chess Congress 2024 - Standard

Last update 19.05.2024 19:15:25, Creator/Last Upload: ChrisLamming

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Tang Carolus1374 32b1 22w1 8b1 2w½ 5b14,501413
2Aron Daniel Andrei1412 30w1 3b½ 26w1 1b½ 9w140,51213,5
3Gardiner Colin1350 28b1 2w½ 11b½ 8w1 4b140,511,514,5
4Cheeseman Frank1387 25w1 9b1 16w½ 17b1 3w03,5012,514
5Kulkarni Harshal1474 20b1 19w1 16b1 1w03,5011,514
6Archer David1372 21w1 7b½ 12w½ 18b½ 17w13,5010,513,5
7Cheeseman Samuel1408 23b1 6w½ 17b0 27w1 10b13,501013
8Goldsmith Jennifer1343 24w1 12b1 1w0 3b0 21w1301015
9Williamson Stephen0 -1 4w0 23b1 11w1 2b0301014,5
10Williams Dave1402 18w1 16b0 20w1 21b1 7w0301013
11Barrett Mark1279 13b1 3w½ 9b0 20w130914
12Savage Simon1392 14b1 8w0 6b½ 26w1 13b½30914
13Walsh Shaun1325 11w0 28b1 19b1 12w½30811,5
14Glasbey Billy1217 12w0 21b0 31w1 24b1 22w13069,5
15Wiltshire Paul1350 20w0 26b0 25w1 29b1 18w13069
16Burton Louis1343 29b1 10w1 4b½ 5w0 -02,5010,514,5
17Hu Hector1313 31b1 7w1 4w0 6b02,509,514,5
18Weaver Alan1244 10b0 29w1 24b1 6w½ 15b02,50812
19Whaley Roy1254 27w+ 5b0 13w0 27b12,507,513
20Hurford Jamie0 15b1 5w0 10b0 23w1 11b020714,5
21Didyk Matthew0 6b0 14w1 22b1 10w0 8b020714
22Gibbs Brendon1465 33b+ 1b0 21w0 28w1 14b020712,5
23Avery David1263 7w0 25b1 9w0 20b0 26b120511,5
24Tucker Joseph0 8b0 -1 18w0 14w0 28b120511
25Stalidis Phevos1216 4b0 23w0 15b0 30b1 29w120310,5
26Thompson Chris0 15w1 2b0 12b0 23w01,506,514,5
27Matilal Tamal K1324 19b- 32w1 7b0 19w01,505,512
28Harle Dillon0 3w0 30b1 13w0 22b0 24w010411
29Simpson Hamish0 16w0 18b0 30w1 15w0 25b010311,5
30Gardiner Rebecca1264 2b0 28w0 29b0 25w0 32b11019
31Quigley Sj1072 17w0 14b0 -0 -00,502,511,5
32Campbell Katie0 1w0 27b0 -0 30w00,50211,5
33Harrison Richard1322 22w- -0 -0 -0 -000010

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)