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Frome Chess Congress 2024 - Minor

Last update 19.05.2024 19:52:08, Creator/Last Upload: ChrisLamming

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Hammett Scott1563 20w1 28b1 3w1 10b1 2w1501515,5
2Threlkeld Ian1565 30b1 11w1 23b1 6w1 1b0401414,5
3Maher Mike1627 33b1 4w1 1b0 16w1 5w1401216
4Fearnhead Joseph1483 22w1 3b0 28w1 18b1 10w1401114
5Chandra Daniel1571 27w1 14b1 7w1 3b03,5011,514
6Shah Nidal1546 8w1 7b½ 25w1 2b0 19w13,501115
7Prundus Beniamin1414 -1 6w½ 17b1 5b0 15w13,501114
8Green Arthur1429 6b0 33w1 32b1 23w1 12w½3,509,511
9Northam Lawrence1567 11w- 29w½ 30b1 21w1 14b13,50811,5
10Menseitov Alikhan1550 29b1 35w1 24b1 1w0 4b0301215
11Udell Gerald1483 9b+ 2b0 12w½ 13b½ 23w1308,514
12Hadley Derek1598 26w½ 11b½ 27w1 8b½308,512,5
13Hughes Peter J1419 15w0 34b1 11w½ 24b1307,511
14Nevin Morgan1419 31b1 18w½ 5w0 25b1 9w02,50914
15Townshend Julian1546 13b1 23w0 35b1 17w½ 7b02,50912,5
16Keshari Rohit1565 19b1 3b0 20w½2,508,514,5
17Perchard Matthew1561 27b½ 21w1 7w0 15b½ 18w½2,50812,5
18Hodge Christopher1643 36w½ 14b½ 26b1 4w0 17b½2,50812
19Spinney Elliott1473 16w0 31b1 32w1 6b02,507,512
20Orszulak Michal1474 1b0 31w½ 38b1 24w½ 16b½2,506,513
21Taplin William1447 17b0 36w1 9b0 33w12,506,511
22Szigethy Szabolcs1578 4b0 30w½ 27b0 39w1 26b12,50510
23Stalidis Andreas1581 39w1 15b1 2w0 8b0 11b020913
24Willis Martin1612 36b1 10w0 20b½ 13w0207,512
25Ford Graeme1532 38w1 6b0 14w0 27b½20712
26Pope Michael1478 12b½ 18w0 28b1 22w0206,512,5
27Summers Philip1474 17w½ 5b0 22w1 12b0 25w½20613,5
28Stanicki Wieslaw1465 32b1 1w0 4b0 26w0 36b120613,5
29Stevens Phil1455 10w0 9b½ 34w½ 33b½ 30w½20511
30Punshon Evan1476 2w0 22b½ 9w0 -1 29b½204,513,5
31Swann Ollie1544 14w0 20b½ 19w0 34b½ 39b12049,5
32Sieber Martin1559 28w0 39b1 8w0 19b0 34w½1,504,510
33Sartain Patrick1511 3w0 8b0 -1 29w½ 21b01,50413
34Rigby Charles1543 35b0 13w0 29b½ 31w½ 32b½1,50310,5
35Sweeney Robert1418 34w1 10b0 15w0 -0 -010511,5
36Osborne Paul1529 18b½ 24w0 21b0 28w0103,510,5
37Sillence Davis Michael1532 -0 -0 -0 -00,502,511,5
38Williams Stephen1632 25b0 20w0 -0 -00,502,510,5
39Berryman Geoff1495 23b0 32w0 22b0 31w00,501,59,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)