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Frome Chess Congress 2024 - Major

Last update 19.05.2024 20:23:30, Creator/Last Upload: ChrisLamming

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Arnold Simon1941ENG 39w1 24b1 9w1 2b½ 7w14,501414
2De Coverly Roger D1949ENG 31b1 23w1 17b1 1w½ 6b½4013,515
3Nelson Leon1799ENG 43w1 12w1 6b½ 8w½ 13b14012,513,5
4Wells Clinton1730NZL 7b½ 16w1 14b½ 19w1 10b1401114,5
5Hordnes Niclas1785NOR 33w½ 23b1 17w1 8b14010,512,5
6Thomas Mark1905WLS 46b1 21w1 3w½ 7b½ 2w½3,501215,5
7Clancy Martin1823ENG 4w½ 34b1 11w1 6w½ 1b03010,517
8Redmill Simon1867ENG 38w½ 25b1 22w1 3b½ 5w03010,514,5
9Edney Richard1813ENG 47b1 14w1 1b0 10w½ 11b½3010,514
10Romaniuk Dmytro1799ENG 40b½ 44w1 18w1 9b½ 4w03010,513
11Appleby Stephen1889ENG 30w1 7b0 27b1 9w½30913
12Littleton Mark1951ENG 27w1 3b0 37w½ 29b1 15w½30912,5
13Thomas James1784ENG 14b0 47w1 33b1 20w1 3w030912
14Norris Zack1966ENG 13w1 9b0 4w½ 22b½ 30w1308,514,5
15Woodward Tim F1827ENG 21b0 36w1 31b½ 37w1 12b½30811
16Attwell Ben1818ENG 4b0 24w1 21b½ 29w1307,513
17Holmes Matthew1874ENG 36w1 29b1 2w0 5b0 25w½2,509,514
18Ingham H William1853ENG 26w1 10b0 31w1 -02,508,513,5
19Cole David1789ENG 40w1 20b½ 4b0 22w½2,508,513
20Dimond Peter1828 34w½ 38b1 19w½ 13b0 21w½2,508,511,5
21Goatcher Matthew1730ENG 15w1 6b0 16w½ 20b½2,50814,5
22Perrin Richard1795ENG 42w1 8b0 14w½ 19b½2,50812,5
23Lawrence Spencer1751ENG 28w1 2b0 5w0 34b½ 40w12,50714
24Coldwell Matthew1744ENG 41w1 1w0 16b0 32b½ 39w12,50713
25Georgiou George1777ENG 8w0 35b½ 33w1 17b½2,506,512,5
26Goodlad Daniel1749ENG 18b0 34w½ 43b1 32w½2,506,510,5
27Melling Hugo1782 12b0 35w½ 42b1 11w0 37b12,50611,5
28Eales Robert1869 23b0 39w½ 30b½ 38w12,505,59,5
29Johnson Rn Phil1667 -1 17w0 32b1 12w0 16b020812,5
30Ward Julian1784 45w½ 11b0 44b1 28w½ 14b0206,512,5
31Mcclatchey Robert1781ENG 2w0 43b1 15w½ 18b0 35b½20613,5
32Gosling Brian1861ENG 37b½ 29w0 24w½ 26b½20610,5
33Keshari Krish1682ENG 5b½ 13w0 25b0 43w1205,513
34Di-vetta Andrew1734WLS 20b½ 7w0 26b½ 23w½ 36b½205,512,5
35Chapman Timothy J1708ENG -0 27b½ 25w½ 39b½ 31w½20511,5
36Best Nick1756ENG 17b0 15b0 40w1 34w½204,511
37Sugden Frederick1750ENG 32w½ 12b½ 15b0 27w01,50613
38Radford Ben1748 8b½ 20w0 39b½ 41w½ 28b01,50511,5
39Jones Eric1775 1b0 28b½ 38w½ 35w½ 24b01,504,513,5
40Williams Robert G1683 10w½ 19b0 36b0 42w1 23b01,504,511,5
41Bush Ian1864ENG 24b0 46w½ 38b½ -01,504,510,5
42Moseley Alan1694USA 22b0 27w0 40b0 47w11,503,59,5
43Fernando Manel1710ENG 3b0 31w0 47b1 26w0 33b010311
44Symons John1711 10b0 30w0 -0 -00,502,511
45Matko Tom1965 30b½ -0 -0 -0 -00,502,511
46Stuart Graham1771ENG 6w0 41b½ -0 -0 -00,50211,5
47Thom Cash1716 9w0 13b0 43w0 42b00,5019,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)