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Southall Congress 092024 U2300

Last update 29.09.2024 20:39:43, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Yu, Rock489000ENG2108
2Pollack, Oscar429414ENG2063
3Malinovskii, Ilia24146374ENG2019
4Clarke, Connor457655ENG2013
5Ismailov, Roman12807710LTU1960
6Sharma, Josh477702ENG1924
7Quillaud, Maxime343272007ENG1923
8Hurst, Eddie460664ENG1920
9Zhang, Junyi494437ENG1905
10White, Chris449270ENG1903
11Majeed, Haroon343401902ENG1890
12Collyer, David462403ENG1885
13Sajanani, Vikas343120195ENG1884
14Wang, Luoke499293ENG1875
15Dewangan, Aayush469700ENG1873
16Palvelev, Artyom343439527ENG1871
17Ganguly, Aryaman25981226IND1864
18Sookphanich, Golf493791ENG1855
19Rubeck, Jonathan435678ENG1837
20Liu, Jacob496960ENG1794
21Kaushik, Madhav499986ENG1729
22Johnson, Felix343400930ENG1717
23Hu, Junyan343401260ENG1694
24Bates, Hubert343410693ENG1668
25Santosh Kumar, Darsh343411541ENG1597
26Wang, Alan2636441ENG1597