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2024 Tshwane North School District CLOSED Individual Champioships Under 11 Girls

Last update 11.05.2024 15:48:20, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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Starting rank

1Haupt, AbigailRSA1387
2Voster, MeandriRSA1313
3Smith, LeahRSA1294
4Prinsloo, VeroniqueRSA1267
5Boshoff, MilahRSA1244
6Kotze, MicahRSA1226
7Mohafe, BoitumeloRSA1210
8Sefiri, OresiamesteRSA1205
9Venter, AmelieRSA1195
10Venter, ChermoneRSA1192
11Mamphoto, KatlegoRSA1189
12Mahlangu, BontleRSA1173
13Makhubela, KamogeloRSA1172
14Mogotlane, KeatlileRSA1169
15Isaac, AfezekaRSA1164
16Chabalala, KhensaniRSA1160
17Magagula, ReatlegileRSA1149
18Mabelane, BotlhaleRSA1141
19Aphane, OnkgethileRSA0
20Baloyi, MusaRSA0
21Bezuidenhout, CharissaRSA0
22Dibetle, KegotshepileRSA0
23Du Preez, DonnaleeRSA0
24Janse van Rensburg, DanikeRSA0
25Venter, JealeineRSA0
26Kekana, KatlegoRSA0
27Kleinhans, DeaneRSA0
28Lewis, KiaraRSA0
29Madava, KarhlanRSA0
30Maduna, ThandekaRSA0
31Mahlaba, KgaogeloRSA0
32Mashilo, ByGraceRSA0
33Mokwena, LebogangRSA0
34Molekoa, NroRSA0
35Motswene, MbhalenhleRSA0
36Mthembu, OmlemoRSA0
37Sheba, TshireletsoRSA0
38Sithole, SnelisiweRSA0
39Snyders, LeanikaRSA0
40Tsikim, MercyRSA0
41Chabalala, BokamosoRSA0
42Skosana, NalediRSA0
43Tlhalefo, KulaniRSA0
44Kgaogelo, MashabaneRSA0
45Barnes, AbigailRSA1193