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Humansdorp CMC Schools Trials U13 G

Last update 10.05.2024 20:04:51, Creator/Last Upload: Petrus Stuurman

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Starting rank

1Charlie, SinovuyoRSA1426
2Ngoyiya, SomliaRSA1335
3Yongama, AmzoleleRSA1272
4Pullen, RiyanaRSA1256
5Van Vuuren, Peighton AstridRSA1255
6Pongolo, YoelamelRSA1215
7Jama, AmilaRSA1197
8Hannam, WhitneyRSA1189
9Augustus, Ru-LeighRSA1185
10Solomons, ZianeRSA1182
11Prinsloo, LiahneRSA1163
12Frysenburg, Hope JuaneRSA1150
13Booysen, Carli LuciaRSA1073
14Geldenhuys, AmelieRSA1029
15Groenewald, JesnickRSA0
16Hannam, JesnickRSA0