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Prvenstvo Istarske županije za 2024 Kadeti U 15

Last update 05.05.2024 22:05:07, Creator/Last Upload: chess club Pula

Starting rank list of players

2IVKvaternik, Juraj14577046CRO1710ŠK Pula, Pula
5Ćordić, Benjamin14593920CRO1653ŠK V.Gortan
1Doblanović, Karlo14584174CRO1603ŠK Batana, Rovinj
4Bajramović, DinoCRO1600ŠK Buje
6Greblo, David79312888CRO0ŠK V.Gortan
3Rotar, Michel79321763CRO0ŠK V.Gortan