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Bányász Klub Kupa "NYER-ÉSZ" Sakkverseny

Last update 04.05.2024 12:22:54, Creator: Laszlo Imre,Last Upload: Komarom-Esztergom Country Chess Fed.

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Starting rank

1Horvath, Kalman703214HUN2080
2Kovacs, Milan760455HUN2072
3Balogh, Erik Zsigmond17020573HUN2070
4Laszlo, Imre709050HUN2020
5Kossela, Peter797707HUN1955
6WCMSipos, Stefania17014239HUN1904
7Szobi, Geza720933HUN1904
8Eros, Vivien795267HUN1845
9Meszaros, Vilmos747742HUN1818
10Eros, Gyorgy728535HUN1787
11Toth, Kalman17018552HUN1713
12Kerekes, Gyorgy Jr.750212HUN1708
13Mente, Koppany17022959HUN1561
14Papp, Erno Attila782734HUN1513
15Balogh, Attila17019753HUN0
16Jakab, JácintHUN0
17Mente, Zsolt17026954HUN0
18Puer, Zoltan782742HUN0
19Sasvari, Zoltan17022207HUN0
20Skuta, Balazs17017378HUN0
21Svab, Marton17013631HUN0
22Szabo, Attila14969700SVK0
23Zandangarav, NyambaatarHUN0