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District 3 Cluster 4 and 5 Individuals under 11

Last update 05.05.2024 16:31:52, Creator: Lelanie Van Der Westhuizen,Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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Starting rank

1Ebersohn, GerhardRSA1412Magalieskruin
2Rappard, HeinoRSA1274Laerskool Villieria
3Marais, LukeRSA1271Voorpos
4Froneman, ReinardRSA1257Wonderboom
5Du Preez, LourensRSA1214Wonderboom
6Nkosi, NsikaRSA1211Prestige College
7Lekalakala, BlessingRSA1209Prestige College
8Prinsloo, RuvanRSA1201Wonderboom
9Murphy, LianRSA1196Wonderboom
10Kolver, MarkRSA1195Laerskool Villieria
11Koekemoer, LuhanRSA1193Laerskool Villieria
12Potgieter, Riku RoelofRSA1193Laerskool Villieria
13Krog, GerhardRSA1182Wonderboom
14Cunningham, DaeganRSA1181Eduplex
15Viljoen, TyronRSA1179Magalieskruin
16Ngwenya, NkosinathiRSA1170Prestige College
17Mamphweli, TshedzaRSA1169Prestige College
18Brits, HencoRSA1156Voorpos
19Molapisi, KagisoRSA1152Prestige College
20Ramorei, KeleabetsweRSA1137Prestige College
21Andreas, RiquelmeRSA0Riviera Primary School
22Blight, MatthewRSA0Laerskool Pierneef
23Botes, Luco AbrahamRSA0Laerskool Villieria
24Botha, Austin MichaelRSA0Laerskool Stephanus Roos
25Coetzee, RuanRSA0Laerskool Magalieskruin
26Erasmus, LuanRSA0Wonderboom
27Human, Michael-AnthonyRSA0Voorpos
28Joubert, AdrianRSA0Pierneef
29Lewies, LeanderRSA0Laerskool Pierneef
30Maluleke, NtivoRSA0Riviera Primary School
31Mashaba, MvuzoRSA0Robert Hicks Primary School
32Masidwali, AripfahoRSA0Riviera Primary School
33Masidwali, AsakhakhiRSA0Riviera Primary School
34Masilela, LesediRSA0Riviera Primary School
35Moller, RynoRSA0Eduplex
36Moloisane, LetlotloRSA0Prestige College
37Myburgh, NikolaiRSA0Laerskool Villieria
38Nyakalo, LubanziRSA0Prestige College
39Pauls, RuanRSA0Robert Hicks Primary School
40Pretorius, MarnoRSA0Laerskool Villieria
41Prinsloo, JadenRSA0Stephanus Roos
42Prinsloo, PieterRSA0Stephanus Roos
43Tjatji, LeagoRSA0Robert Hicks Primary School
44Van, der walt Tjaart AndriesRSA0Laerskool Magalieskruin
45Viljoen, AlexanderRSA0Stephanus Roos
46Zwart, ReyhanRSA0Wonderboom
47Peenz, MarnusRSA0Voorpos