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Ealing Championships U7-U10

Last update 30.04.2024 22:56:57, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Ranjith, Ezara353022ENG529wU9
2Ewart, Rebecca330016ENG410wU10
3Paixao, Medina356501ENG256wU10
4Ewart, Florence359978ENG112wU7
5Bansal, Ayaan0ENG0U9
6Bors, Boglarka0ENG0wU7
7Chan, Tristan0ENG0U7
8Ganjargal, Engun0ENG0U7
9Mikheev, Artem0ENG0U8
10Pang, Lucas0ENG0U9
11Ranjith, Eva0ENG0wU7
12Zeeman, Zach0ENG0U10
13Zlatarev, David0ENG0U7