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2024 Silver Lakes Open Chess Tournament D2 Section

Last update 20.04.2024 17:45:38, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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Starting rank

1Kgwale, Obotegile14385074RSA1396
2Mofokeng, NeoRSA1365
3Mulamattathil, RehaanRSA1363
4van der Merwe, ZanderRSA1361
5Rambritch, RishikRSA1358
6Pillay, Yishai14371588RSA1357
7Kleynhans, Magnus14389118RSA1354
8Boshoff, Reinhardt14379171RSA1347
9Naidoo, Tristan14379376RSA1347
10Kock, Luca14357860RSA1346
11Truscott, Adriaan14379546RSA1342
12Rahlaga, KaeloRSA1323
13Badenhorst, Michael14375761RSA1320
14Arokiam, Ethan14364751RSA1319
15Wolvaardt, Jonathan14371626RSA1312
16De Swardt, Mieke14379228RSA1305
17van der Merwe, Altus14341042RSA1305
18Mmakou, Lesedi14379775RSA1298
19Truscott, Ane14379554RSA1295
20Smith, Leah14379473RSA1294
21Musiiwa, TakundaRSA1293
22De Jager, Jandre14362465RSA1288
23Pillay, Verana14372070RSA1288
24Upadhyay, SavyaRSA1288
25Seloana, KamogeloRSA1281
26Venter, Dian14330911RSA1268
27Appel, JandreRSA1266
28Adamson, Amani14346648RSA1261
29Snyman, Jacques14379481RSA1261
30Claassen, Emileo14362473RSA1251
31Anderson, GideonRSA1239
32Oberholzer, TroyRSA1233
33Koreng, GogontleRSA1212
34Fireyi, DavidRSA1206
35Gupta, MishkaRSA1198
36Lindeque, Gabri'EllaRSA1194
37Potgieter, PetrusRSA1193
38Hearne, Lionel14351676RSA1191
39Meletoa, Tshepo14389185RSA1167
40Snama, SintethembaRSA1151
41Mphahlele, ThaboRSA1143
42Mothokwa, Keabetswe14379910RSA1132