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Latvijas Skolu šaha olimpiāde 2024/ Zemgale/ (10. - 12. klašu zēni un meitenes)

Last update 25.04.2024 19:49:16, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Round 7 on 2024/04/24 at 14:00

Bo.No.WhiteGrTypRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackGrTypRtgNo.
17Turks, Endijs1205 ½ - ½2 Korkls, Emils1005
21IIIIvanovs, Renars11/2.kurss16074 1 - 03 Plume, Ralfs Kristiāns06
34IVBirze, Enrijs1201 0 - 14 IIKalvans, Karlis1015203
42Jonikāns, Leo1215765 1 bye