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Restoran "IVA" Hum na Sutli

Klupski turnir ŠK Straža Travanj 2024

Last update 18.04.2024 19:58:49, Creator/Last Upload: Chess club "STRAZA" Hum na Sutli

Starting rank list of players

13NMPonoš, Velimir14501937CRO2215
14MKZelenika, Zoran14534452CRO2112
12IDžidić, Alen79319440CRO2059
6Elbasan, Veselaj14644193SLO2000
5Goručan, Jožef14609339SLO2000
3Kubale, Marko14607107SLO2000
17Prevolšek, Vitomir14672855SLO2000
16IIŠtruklec, Milan14512637CRO1898
1IVKrklec, Josip14529211CRO1739
2IVMikša, Ivan14526808CRO1736
10IIICipan, Viktor14526336CRO1720
4IVOčko, Ivan14512548CRO1629
11Sreš, Dražen79322360CRO1621
8Puh, Mirko14526840CRO1619
7Zidar, Darko14529327CRO1604
9Čoh, Marjan14587858CRO1600
15Lupinski, Marko79313922CRO1600