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Belovodsk 140424 Monoldorov 50 B

Last update 14.04.2024 11:49:05, Creator/Last Upload: Kyrgyz Chess Union

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1Almazov, DastanKGZ0
2Arapbaev, ElamanKGZ0
3Arapbaev, IslamKGZ0
4Avtandilov, NurahmetKGZ0
5Bekzhanov, NurislamKGZ0
6Bolotov, BekzhanKGZ0
7Dzhumabekov, AzamatKGZ0
8Eshimbekov, EmirkhanKGZ0
9Hahaza, RamzanKGZ0
10Podpalnaia, SofijaKGZ0
11Sadyrbekova, AigulKGZ0