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10 város a magyar sakkozásért J6 Kecskemét

Last update 28.04.2024 14:03:52, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation (Master)

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
17FMCsala, ImreHUN19987,547,544,56
21IMSoos, ArpadHUN231774945,56
36Keresztes, MarkHUN20116,549,5465
42FMMiszler, LeventeHUN2273651475
53FMMarosi, LeventeHUN2216650,5464
69Kovacs, LaszloHUN18735,541405
74FMKeresztes, RichardHUN213655247,54
88Kovacs, GaborHUN1947548,5454
911ACMTallo, LaszloHUN1786543414
105Lovas, Daniel Dr.HUN2027541,5384
1116Mohay, HenrikHUN1727539384
1223Peto, Kira MelittaHUN1436534325
1317Egyed, EndreHUN17024,549,545,54
1418Tamas, GergoHUN16514,54137,53
1510Bagi, LajosHUN18294,539374
1612Szabo, BalazsHUN17804,537,535,54
1715Polgar, MarkHUN17354,535344
1814Gajdos, MarkHUN17534,534334
1925Laszlo, Tamas Dr.HUN0438,536,54
2020Kovacs, SandorHUN1638433314
2113Bodo, TiborHUN17683,537363
2219Katona, JozsefHUN16433,531303
2324Jozsefne, HartmanHUN02,530,529,51
2422Porcza, Antal Otto Dr.HUN15112,528272
2521Tallo, ZetenyHUN15941,532301

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)