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Bojanala's Rating Express Knights

Last update 06.04.2024 17:46:05, Creator/Last Upload: Lincohn September

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1Raputsoa, BohlaleRSA1595Harties Chess Academy
2ACMVan Der Westhuizen, Lihan14357917RSA1549
3Gouws, Christiaan123110338FID1522
4Mogatusi, OratengRSA1502Lebone II
5Bantseke, Lesedilamodimo14371499RSA1480Rustenburg Noord
6Ribbens, Reuben14375389RSA1463Silver Lakes Chess Club
7Van Zyl, Albertus PetrusRSA1439LS Mooirivier
8Naidoo, Danika14371936RSA1433Lebone II
9Labuschagne, GianRSA1426Laerskool Lichtenburg
10Nameng, ThatanoRSA1386Lebone II
11Du Toit, AidenRSA1346Mountain Cambridge
12Truscott, Adriaan14379546RSA1342Silverlakes Chess Club
13Roberts, Frans-Leigh14358751RSA1334Silverlakes Chess Club
14Monare, Oreratile "The Protea"14371928RSA1323Kloofview
15Truscott, Ane14379554RSA1295Silverlakes Chess Club
16Liebenberg, LanaRSA1249Rustenburg Chess Club
17Boshoff, MilahRSA1244Stephanus Roos Laerskool
18Monedi, ReatlegileRSA1222Rustenburg Noord
19Terblanche, BernardRSA1217Brits Skaakklub
20Bekker, MaggieRSA1215Vastrap
21Williams, SebastianRSA1198Generaal Hendrik Schoeman
22Makhoana, NeoRSA1183Silwerrand
23Semetse, TshepangRSA1166Rustenburg Noord
24Zwane, KoketsoRSA992Kloofview
25De Jager, LoganRSA0Vastrap
26Moitlobo, EmmanuelRSA0Rustenburg Noord
27Yulun, AlanRSA0St. Johns Johannesburg
28Mokone, Remoabetswe KgoRSA1505Lebone II