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▶♟️ Dubai Police Global CHESS Challenge – MASTERS ▶▶▶ May 3rd - 13th

Last update 13.05.2024 10:38:34, Creator/Last Upload: Fujairah Chess Club

Player overview for EGY

49GMFawzy Adham2486EGY1½½½11½0½5,5161023,00Masters
14Nyazi Nehad2189EGY0000000000120200,00Open

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMLiu YanCHN25755 ½ - ½5 GMFawzy AdhamEGY2486
Nyazi NehadEGY21890 0 not paired  

Player details for EGY

GM Fawzy Adham 2486 EGY Rp:2675 Pts. 5,5
1115FMChinguun Sumiya2348MGL3,5w 1103,10
23GMArtemiev Vladislav2705RUS6s ½102,80
320GMIvanchuk Vasyl2609UKR6,5w ½101,70
418GMSuleymanli Aydin2621AZE5,5s ½101,80
513GMMishra Abhimanyu2634USA5w 1107,00
622GMKarthik Venkataraman2605IND3,5s 1106,60
716GMPuranik Abhimanyu2629IND5,5w ½101,90
814GMDonchenko Alexander2631GER6w 010-3,10
929GMLiu Yan2575CHN5,5s ½101,20
Nyazi Nehad 2189 EGY Pts. 0
180Mohammadi Akbarabadi Hossein1859IRI0- 0K
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0